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Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu

Prof. dr Radomir V. Lukić EN

          Name: Full Professor Radomir V. Lukić, LLD

          Academic rank: associate professor for the scientific field oftheory of state and law

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          Telephone: 057/226-609

          Office: 33

           Courses:  graduate courses in Theory of State, Theory o Law and Legal Drafting and Writing and postgraduate courses in Methodology of Law and Constitutional Judiciary

           Student consultation hours: during lecture hours and exams

Born on October 18, 1956 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Graduated from Law Faculty of University in Sarajevo in 1979. Defended his doctoral thesis titled Theoretical Basis and Development of System of State Authority in SSSR betwen 1917 and 1977 at Law Faculty of University of Belgrade in 1988. He has worked at the Faculty of Law, University of East Sarajevo since 1999, excluding the period from 2006 to 2013 due to removal from all public offices by virtue of the decision of the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2000 he was elected associate professor and taught courses in Constitutional Law and Political System. He was elected associate professor for the scientific field of theory of state and law in 2013 and has been teaching graduate courses in Theory of State, Theory of Law and Legal Drafting and Writing as well as postgraduate courses in Methodology of Law and Constitutional Judiciary since.

He has been dean of the Faculty of Law since 2014, the function he also performed in the period between 1999 and 2006.

Acts as head of the Department for Legal Theory and Public Law. Was legal adviser and a member of delegation from Republic of Srpska at peace talks in Geneva, New York and Dayton. He also held office as deputy of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Srpska from 1993 to 1998. He is a member of Association of Legal Professionals of Republic of Srpska.

He is the author of over 50 academic articles. Fluent in Russian language, has good command of English and working knowledge of German language.

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Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu


Alekse Šantića br.3
71420 Pale
Republika Srpska - BiH
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Pale: +387 57 227 138 i +387 57 226 609;
Bijeljina: +387 55 211 390;
Srebrenica: +387 56 490 390;
Fax: +387 57 226 892