Viši asistent dr Dragana Damjanović EN
Name: Dragana Damjanović, LLM
Academic rank: senior teaching assistant
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Telephone: 057/226-609
Office: 91
Courses: Private International Law
Student consultation hours: during lecture hours and exams
Born on October 9, 1985 in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Graduated from Faculty of Law, University of East Sarajevo in 2008. Earned her LLM degree at Faculty of Law, University of East Sarajevo in 2014 with thesis titled Conflict of Laws in Matters of Inheritance. Had her LLD proposal titled Usual Place of Residence in Public International Law accepted at Faculty of Law, University of East Sarajevo. She was awarded scholarship by the Max Planck Institute for Private International Law and Comparative Law, Hamburg, Germany where she conducted part of her LLD research during July, 2016. She has worked at the Faculty of Law, University of East Sarajevo since 2009. Was elected senior teaching assistant for scientific area of civil law in 2014. Tutors graduate courses in Private International Law. Acted as secretary of the Commission for Postgraduate Studies and of Department for Criminal Law Sciences. Author of 5 academic papers. Fluent in English.