Prof. dr Dimitrije Ćeranić EN
Name: Associate Professor Dimitrije Ćeranić, LLD
Academic rank: professor doctor for the scientific area of civil law
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Telephone: 057/226-609
Office: 84
Courses: graduate courses in Inheritance Law, Family Law and Civil Procedural Law and postgraduate courses in Property Relation between Spouses and Notarial Law
Student consultation hours: during lecture hours and exams
Born on September 19, 1981 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Graduated from Faculty of Law, University of East Sarajevo in 2005. Earned his LLM degree at Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade in 2008 with the thesis titled Formal Invalidity of Testament. Defended his doctoral thesis titled Effects of Adoption on Inheritance at Law Faculty of University of Kragujevac in 2016.
He has worked at Faculty of Law, University of East Sarajevo since 2005. Was elected assistant professor for the scientific area of civil law in 2016. Teaches graduate courses in Inheritance Law, Family Law and Civil Procedural Law and postgraduate courses in Property Relation between Spouses and Notarial Law.
Serves as a member of Presidency of Association of Legal Professionals of Republic of Srpska and as president of Bijeljina branch. Acts as a secretary of the Department for Civil Law at the Faculy of Law and a secretary of editorial board of journal Yearbook of the Faculty of Law in East Sarajevo. He is the president of the libarary board and director of orators club at the Faculty of Law. He is member of the board of the Trade Union for Education, Science and Culture of Republic of Srpska and president of the coordination board of University of East Sarajevo Trade Union. Acts as a member of Serbian Association for Education and Culture „Prosvjeta“.
Has been a member of various groups for legislation drafting, namely group for: Draft of the Act on Official Use of Language and Alphabet in Republic of Srpska, Draft of the Law on Higher Education of Republic of Srpska, Draft of the Act on Academic Titles in Republic of Srpska, Draft of the Law on Amendments to the Family Law of Republic of Srpska. Participated in various projects. Has been a member of organizational board of multiple conferences, seminars and law clinics held at the Faculty of Law, University of East Sarajevo.
Author of 26 academic papers. Has working knowledge of English and Russian language.